REGISTRATION has closed for this event Athens First and the Hawn Foundation are excited to announce a new lecture series coming this summer. As a church on the move, significant changes have taken place in order to live into our miSsion and vision to reach the families of our community. We believe everyone has a role to play in our vision and we want to equip you to live into this vision! No matter your age and stage in life, our desire is to help you discover and understand what spiritual gifts you have been given to participate in God’s kingdom work at Athens First. Join us June 16 at 6pm-9pm and June 17 at 9am-2pm for our Spiritual Gifts conference, with guest speaker Melanie Hill. Melanie is a passionate speaker and leader who serves on staff at the Church of the Resurrection in Kansas and teaches the congregation about Spiritual gifts. She will help us understand our spiritual gifts, how to use them, and how our ministries and leaders can better utilize the gifts of this church to share God’s love. We encourage you to sign up early, as space will be limited. The cost for this event is $20 and includes a workbook, dinner on Friday night and lunch Saturday. Early registration begins May 1st online or at the church office.